All of our commissioning requirements in one place
UKTV Producer Pack
Welcome to the Producer pack
UKTV's Producer pack provides key contacts and a suite of documents to enable successful delivery of your programmes to UKTV.
The pack is meant to make it easier for production companies to budget and deliver programmes according to our requirements. It is important that you read the whole pack and ensure that the relevant people within your teams are aware of all requirements before they start working on the project.
The pack also includes key contacts for relevant UKTV departments. If you have any general questions, please direct them to the Production Management team.
Welcome to the Producer packSchedule of deliverables
This sets out all the standard UKTV delivery requirements for commissioned programming including transmission, digital, press, creative and marketing. Any exceptions to this will be set out in the commissioning agreement.
UKTV Schedule of DeliverablesTechnical specification
This document sets out the production and technical delivery requirements for programmes commissioned by UKTV. Failure to comply fully with the requirements may result in the supplied programme being rejected for transmission and considered as ‘non-delivered’, so do ask us if anything is unclear.
UKTV Technical SpecificationsTitle checks
As most broadcasters require producers to warrant that a programme title will not infringe copyright or be defamatory, or cause viewer confusion with another programme, it is prudent that producers undertake some or all of the following:
Credit guidelines
This outlines U's end credit policy. All end credits must be signed off by the UKTV executive producer and production executive before being added to the programme master. Please see below for the latest information regarding U's credit guidelines.
U Credit GuidelinesProduction insurance
Once a commission is contracted, production insurance must be in place. UKTV’s preferred supplier is Quartz Insurance Brokers who have a discounted production insurance scheme for UKTV commissions. If you choose not to use this scheme, cover must be provided on a like-for-like basis with the Quartz policy and sufficient funding for this must have been allowed for in the production budget. Any use of alternative insurance cover must be approved by UKTV. Insurance documents will need to be sent to the relevant production executive.
Quartz InsuranceOn Music – music cue sheets
This section provides information about how to complete Music cue sheets via On Music. UKTV will only accept music cue sheets completed electronically through this site.
On Music User GuideMusic copyright guidelines
Any use of commercial music within your programme must be agreed by the UKTV executive producer and your production management contact. You must have a paper trail to show that all tracks used in the final programme are clear under the UKTV blanket policy. Clearance must be checked either via the BBC fast clear system or the relevant BBC music copyright representative. If you have any queries regarding the use of commercial music within your programme that BBC music copyright cannot resolve, please contact the Production Management team.
UKTV Producer Music GuidelinesProgramme as completed guidelines
PasC templates are provided in the Producer pack. This section provides guidelines regarding completion of the PasC templates. Please deliver PDF scanned electronic copies of the PasC and all fully executed third-party agreements at the end of production. Originals should be submitted only on written request by UKTV.
UKTV PasC GuidelinesPasC TemplateImage requirements
Production stills photography is very important to the successful promotion of programmes. UKTV require episodic stills delivered from all productions even if a professional publicity shoot has been set up for the programme. High-quality episodic specific images are essential to feature and profile your programme.
Please reach out to UKTV's Publicity team if you require any information regarding publicity stills.
U & Originals guidelines
U & Originals guidelines outline the elements that bring the U Original brand to life.
Please click below to download the U & Originals guidelines.
UKTV and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Any use of AI by production companies working with UKTV —whether in generative forms or broader applications—must align with BBC’s Editorial Guidelines and uphold its editorial principles when creating, presenting, or distributing content. Producers should refer to the following guidelines: Guidance: The use of Artificial Intelligence.
Any use of AI in U&Originals will need to be pre-approved so producers should contact UKTV’s Compliance and BLA teams at the earliest opportunity.
UKTV Working with children policy
If you are working with children on your production, please refer to UKTV’s ‘Working with Children Policy’, send us your ‘Safeguarding Children’ Policy’ and discuss with relevant UKTV commissioner, compliance and production executive.
UKTV Working With Children PolicyE&O
UKTV advises the Production company to arrange E&O insurance for the commissioned production. Cover should be for a suitable period, for a minimum claim loss limit of £1 Million and £3 Million in the aggregate, worldwide cover including the USA.
If available, please provide a copy of the E&O Certificate at the same time as the programme master delivery and ensure that UKTV Media Ltd is included as an additional named insured on the policy.
Albert certified production
Albert certification is mandatory as part of UKTV’s deliverables.
It is mandatory for all UKTV Commissions to be certified by Albert and you need to start this process in the pre-production phase and well before filming commences.
Planet placement
UKTV is championing Planet Placement. Planet Placement is an Albert initiative to encourage and inspire the editorial community to embed the climate crisis and sustainable lifestyles within the content of our programming.
Albert Certified Production & Planet PlacementUKTV Privacy policy
Producers will ensure that all contributor / talent contracts and release forms will contain the link to the UKTV Privacy policy as provided or as otherwise specified by UKTV from time to time.
TAP Toolkit, Audit Checklist & the 5 As
The TV Access Project (TAP) is an alliance of the UK’s biggest broadcasters and streamers who have pledged to work together to create a substantive and permanent structural shift which will ensure access provision for Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent talent.
TV Access Project (TAP) (
TAP Toolkit
This Toolkit is a thorough resource, developed in partnership with TAP members, specifically aimed at production. The toolkit is designed to guide production in hiring, implementing reasonable adjustments, and making spaces and locations accessible, ensuring an inclusive work environment. The Toolkit is available to all production companies via the Pact website - click here to access it.
TAP Audit Checklist
We ask producers to commit to carrying TAP’s Audit checklist. This will help you assess how accessible and inclusive your working environment is for a wide range of disabled talent. For further info:
Accessibility - Spaces and locations | Pact
And to start the audit checklist: Login (
TAP has also developed a set of guidelines, known as the 5 As, designed to help productions include Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent talent both in front of and behind the camera.
TAP and The 5 As
In order to ensure the full and equal inclusion of Deaf, Disabled and/or Neurodivergent talent, both behind and in front of the camera, the organisations which adopt these standards will: