Find My Past

Meet the relatives of history’s greatest men and women in Find My Past.

Find My Past

Series 1

Hosted by Chris Hollins, Find My Past invites people to delve back into their ancestry to find out how they are linked to some of our most talked about events in modern history.

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Ordinary people with extraordinary ancestral stories.

The famous events that feature in the series are The Battle of Britain, Mutiny on the Bounty, Jack the Ripper, Dunkirk, D-Day, The Titanic, The Battle of the Somme, The Tay Bridge Disaster, A Victorian Royal Scandal and Emily Davison ? the ground breaking suffragette who threw herself under the King's Horse.

Each episode will unearth the kind of emotional stories, shocking details and fascinating facts that only a genealogy series can, and will show how easily anyone can be related to some of history's most famous people and events.

Series 2

Chris Hollins is back for a brand new and exclusive second series of the award-winning genealogy show, Find My Past. Each week ordinary British people take an extraordinary journey through the past which links them with some of the country?s key historical events.

The descendants in the Jack The Ripper episode.

The descendants in the Jack The Ripper episode.

This series features the Dambusters, Tutankhamen, the Christmas Truce, the Gunpowder Plot, the Great Fire of London and the Battle of Trafalgar. Every episode unearths emotional stories, shocking details and facts only a genealogy series can, and reveals how easily anyone can trace their family members back through history.

Sixty-four year old drama and music teacher Peter Weigall wants to find out more about his Egyptologist grandfather Arthur, a prominent figure during a time when explorers were discovering priceless treasures from Egypt?s ancient civilisation. He was friends with the pioneering Lord Carnavon, the man who financed the successful search for Tutankhamen?s tomb, but the two friends soon became bitter enemies. In Find My Past, Arthur and two of Lord Carnarvon?s great-nieces delve deeper into this fascinating story, and meet for the first time.

Chris Hollins presents Find My Past.

Chris Hollins presents Find My Past.

Elsewhere, Yesterday goes back to the time of World War II to tell the story of one of the most daring and iconic bombing raids in history, thanks to ancestors of three of its key protagonists. Erica Whittaker-Wallis is the 17-year-old great-granddaughter of Barnes Wallis, the inventor of the bouncing bomb; Chloe Straver is the great-great-niece of Guy Gibson, the courageous officer who led the raid; and Felix Clarke, 20, is the great-grandson of Edward Cuthbert Johnson, the bomb aimer whose skill enabled the mission to be such a success.

Together they go on an unforgettable journey to find out more about their ancestors. They meet the last surviving member of the Dambusters, and a man who knew all their brave family members well.