UKTV is committed to ensuring that under-represented groups are elevated both on and off-screen
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
UKTV is committed to ensuring that all our original content accurately reflects the diverse society of the UK, and we ask producers to work with us to elevate under-represented groups both on-screen and off-screen.

It is mandatory for all UKTV productions to commit to achieving the following representation both on-screen and off-screen:
- at least 20% of people from ethnically diverse backgrounds
- at least 15% of people who are Deaf, Disabled or Neurodivergent (DDN)
These commitments should be considered separately, and producers should be aware that individuals may appear in and belong to both groups.
At UKTV, we also recognise the importance of socio-economic diversity (SED) however we know that inconsistent measures of what constitutes different socio-economic groups have hampered progress in understanding and increasing fair representation. As soon as there is a consistent approach across the industry for defining and measuring socio-economic diversity, UKTV will look to include it as a requirement for our original productions.
UKTV asks producers to aim for diverse representation across all areas of production, including in senior roles where fair representation has traditionally lagged behind.
Prior to greenlight, the UKTV commissioner and production executive will meet the producers to discuss how to maximise and share initiatives that can support diversity on and off-screen.
To help meet these diversity and inclusivity commitments, UKTV runs its All Voices Initiative which helps producers find staff from under-represented groups.
UKTV is a supporter of The TV Access Project, and we ask our producers to engage with TAP’s important work improving representation of the DDN community in the television industry. We adopt TAP’s 5As as a vital guide in how best to include Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent people in all aspects of TV production. We ask that our producers do the same.
UKTV also offers the opportunity to apply for financial assistance – the Production Access Fund – to help remove financial barriers to hiring people with access requirements.
We are a Diamond Broadcaster, full and committed supporters of the Creative Diversity Network’s Diamond system which monitors diversity in television.
Please also see UKTV’s Respect at Work guidelines.

Production Access Fund
UKTV is committed to improving representation of Deaf, Disabled and Neurodiverse people, on- and off-screen and will fund necessary access costs on productions not covered by Access to Work, over and above the production budget.

UKTV’s All Voices Initiatives
To support our production partners deliver on UKTV's diversity commitments, we require all productions to engage with our All Voices Initiative - a partnership with talent-finding experts, Talented People and the Equal Access Network.
TV Access Project (TAP)
The TV Access Project (TAP) is an alliance of the UK’s biggest broadcasters and streamers who have pledged to work together to create a substantive and permanent structural shift which will ensure access provision for Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent talent.
TV Access Project (TAP) (
TAP Toolkit
This Toolkit is a thorough resource, developed in partnership with TAP members, specifically aimed at production. The toolkit is designed to guide production in hiring, implementing reasonable adjustments, and making spaces and locations accessible, ensuring an inclusive work environment. The Toolkit is available to all production companies via the Pact website - click here to access it.
TAP Audit Checklist
We ask producers to commit to carrying TAP’s Audit checklist. This will help you assess how accessible and inclusive your working environment is for a wide range of disabled talent.
To register and start completing the audit checklist: Login (
TAP has also developed a set of guidelines, known as the 5 As, designed to help productions include Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent talent both in front of and behind the camera.
The 5As
UKTV is a Diamond Broadcaster
UKTV, along with other UK broadcasters, is part of Diamond - the diversity monitoring initiative set up by the Creative Diversity Network to track the diversity of individuals participating in productions both on-screen and off-screen in the United Kingdom.
Here is a comparison of Diamond’s 6th Cut vs Diamond's 7th Cut for all broadcasters:

TX 6th Cut: 1 August 2021 - 31 July 2022 & TX 7th Cut: 1 August 2022-31July 2023
Respect at work
UKTV does not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment and/or victimisation. We are committed to providing a working environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and action is taken against inappropriate behaviour.