UKTV Respect at Work Policy (Cast and Crew Engaged by Production Companies)

UKTV does not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment and/or victimisation. We are committed to providing a working environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and action is taken against inappropriate behaviour.

UKTV expects all production companies that make programmes for UKTV to have the same attitude and have in place their own respect at work/anti-bullying and anti-harassment policy, which includes how members of their cast and crew can raise concerns about inappropriate behaviour and what can be expected from the production company if such concerns are raised.

The production company's policy must be shared with all members of their cast and crew no later than their first day of work on the production, and a copy of the policy must be provided to UKTV no later than the start of pre-production.

Additionally, UKTV expects the following steps to be taken by the production company on all UKTV productions:

  1. Safeguarding Contacts: there must be at least one safeguarding contact (larger productions may need more) employed by the production company. This person/these people must be: (a) suitably trained; (b) a senior member of the production company; (c) clearly identified to cast and crew as someone they can approach if they have concerns; and (d) someone who takes responsibility for proactively making adjustments in order to maintain a safe and comfortable environment. Such person(s) must be named on the UKTV Editorial Specification;
  2. Training: all cast and crew must complete anti-bullying and anti-harassment training. If the production company does not already provide this, see available resources below;
  3. Intimacy: where filming involves scenes of an intimate nature, an intimacy co-ordinator must be engaged. Any applicable scenes should be specified on the UKTV Editorial Specification;
  4. Communication: all call sheets, production information and, where applicable, communal areas used by cast and crew must display both the production company's and UKTV's respect at work/anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies, whether as a weblink or in a hard copy format.

Cast and crew engaged by a production company on a UKTV production who have cause to complain about inappropriate behaviour should raise the matter directly with the production company. UKTV is unable to deal with complaints made to a production company as it is not the employer/engager.

If it is not possible to make a complaint to the production company for one of the following reasons, cast and crew can instead email for the matter to be investigated:

  1. The complaint concerns behaviour of a UKTV staff member;
  2. The complaint concerns behaviour of an individual on a production which goes beyond the remit of an individual production company;
  3. The complaint is impossible to raise with a production company directly, for instance because of internal conflicts within the company.

If the complaint relates to UKTV, is broader than individual behaviour and is more of a systematic, legal and/or cultural problem, cast and crew can contact the BBC Whistleblowing Line.

Useful resources for production companies:

ScreenSkills bullying and harassment online training.

The Whole Picture Toolkit step-by-step guide for creating a mentally healthy production.

PACT bullying and harassment information including template policy.

BF guidance, principles and policy template.

Film and TV Charity resources including helpline numbers, a call-sheet template and anti-bullying posters.

Equity safe spaces campaign and resources.

ACAS general guidance.

Coalition for Change pan-industry group to improve freelance working practices in the UK TV sector.

Support for individuals affected by bullying, harassment or victimisation:

Film and TV Charity 24-hour support line on 0800 054 0000 or via their website.

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